Is skincare for teenagers the “elephant” in the (beauty) room?

There are skincare products designed for a youthful appearance and those tailored for youthful skin. The former promise a youthful look on more mature skin, while the latter cater to the needs of young skin. But why do the former, which include ingredients such as retinol and other potent active ingredients, find their way into the routines of teenagers and tweens (children between 8 and 12) who are still at school or young people in their early university years?

Skincare for teenagers: Just another trend or self-care?

With the rise of TikTok and YouTube among young people, we are witnessing a surge in the popularity of skincare for teenagers. Skincare has become a “magical” way to boost self-esteem, something younger generations are embracing and integrating into their culture from a very young age.

Skincare is a form of self-care; should we establish boundaries in self-care?

Some argue against it, pointing to older generations who didn’t even use sunscreen at the beach, while others advocate for moderation in all things.

Is skincare for teenagers always safe? Or is it the “elephant” in the room that no one wants to address, unsure of how to approach the subject? After all, there’s nothing more challenging than telling a teenager to do something they don’t want to do.


How skincare turned into an "obsession"?

The almost ritualistic steps of skincare, cosmetics, and beauty products, showcased by thousands of influencers on every available social media channel, have significantly boosted the skincare market.

While this growth provides the beauty and cosmetology industries with substantial advantages and unprecedented funding for research and innovation, there is a striking contrast between the popularity of skincare for teenagers and the lack of public information about the science behind it.

In the light of our limited knowledge of the effects of an intensive skincare routine from a young age, it is no surprise that dermatologists and aesthetic professionals who observe the rapidly growing skincare market among young teenagers are becoming concerned.

A crucial point to consider is that young people are not purchasing products based on their own needs, for which they may need help to understand better, but rather with others’ in mind, i.e. they use popular products intended for older people, such as their parents and influencers.

As a result, they use skincare products that not only fail to benefit their own skin but can also cause irritation and disruption of the skin barrier, leading to future problems.

At Young Carpo, we say NO to harmful ingredients

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Skincare for teenagers: When is the right age?

We often wonder if there is an appropriate age to start skincare. Of course, there is, but the answer isn’t tied to a specific number. The right age for teenagers to begin a skincare routine is dictated by their skin’s needs. The skin reveals its requirements daily, even in the prime of youth.

Teenage skin might not always be perfectly healthy. However, its needs certainly do not warrant using strong, active ingredients for mature skin (excluding treatments for specific skin conditions). Good hygiene and skin protection are not age specific necessities. Cleansing with a gentle cleanser, moisturising, and using sunscreen are important at any age.

This philosophy is the foundation of Young Carpo’s specially formulated skincare line for tweens, teens and young adults.

To develop our products, we examined findings from a recent study by the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and its scientific director, Nikolaos Thomaidis, in collaboration with the North Aegean Region.

Skincare routine for teenagers

Facial care with suitable products can only be beneficial to skin’s health. Proper skincare for teenagers includes products that promote glowing, clear skin and are based on pure ingredients:

Step 1 – Facial cleansing: Cleansing your face is a habit that benefits the skin at any age, so it’s best to establish it as early as possible.

Step 2 – Moisturiser: Moisturising is essential at any age, provided it has ingredients that cater to the skin’s specific needs without clogging pores.

Step 3 – Exfoliation: Exfoliating once a week is sufficient. It removes dead cells, cleanses the skin, and protects against free radicals.

Step 4 – Sun protection: While the sun’s rays are pleasant, they are also harmful. By making daily sunscreen use a habit from an early age, we provide our skin with two invaluable benefits: youth and health.

How to properly advise my child about skincare?

We know it’s hard to communicate with teenagers. Still, you certainly know your child better than anyone else. Perhaps they prefer discussing certain topics with friends, but there are always ways to find a solution and build a relationship of trust and honesty.

Don't be judgemental

Recently, with the rise of the Sephora Kids phenomenon (you can learn more by searching the term on TikTok and Google or by reading our article “Yeap, you are young! But how delulu is your skincare?“), many have pointed out the mistakes of a young generation (10-14 years old) that hasn’t even fully entered puberty yet.

However, by wagging a finger, we stifle the dialogue. If young children have discovered a new hobby and a form of self-determination and self-care through skincare, we need to understand it and help them make informed choices

A spa day dedicated to self-care

Organise a “spa day” as a parent (or legal guardian) dedicated to facial care, buying skincare items, and unboxing them. In other words, a day for discovering and trying out new products.

“Shall we go shopping at the mall after visiting the dermatologist so they can tell us exactly which ingredients are right for your skin?”

This is a strategy of mutual concessions

Is there an ideal skincare for teenagers after all?

Teenage skin naturally has high levels of collagen and elastin, a natural oiliness, and shows no signs of ageing. Therefore, specialised skincare for teenagers and young adults is essential for maintaining a clean, hydrated face and providing necessary sun protection.

Why choose Young Carpo? We have dedicated our resources to researching teenage and young skin. We carefully selected Greek, plant-based ingredients to create products we trust for our own children; products designed for youthful skin that provide exactly what it needs: nothing more, nothing less.

The main active ingredients in Young Carpo products come from Greece, specifically from the following regions: Organically cultivated olive leaf from Lesvos, Mount Olympus tea, organically cultivated grape seed oil from Samos, mastic from Chios, and perlite from Milos.

Is skincare just a trend? No, because trends come and go. Discovering how to care for ourselves and understanding the needs of our skin, body, and mind is not just a fad.

Once you learn to love and care for yourself, you don’t go back.